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Thursday, April 1, 2010

extracting Devil tooth. Case report by Dr.Azhar Chesti

Here I am back again.Had a mini break from my schedule.
Olrite back 2 work then-back to what i am best at
28yr old Gagnesh wanted to get his tooth extracted.Tried hard to convince him for rootcanal and post&core but all in vain.
As usual patient for extraction comes with 150 bucks in his pocket which is a misery for dental surgeons as in we are doin minor surgeries for 150 rupees.Couldn't afford for an x-ray so strted extracting without any x-ray
Elevated the tooth with a coupland elevator and when i started to pull it out wasn't comin out.
Finally elevated the tooth with a periostial elevator and after extracting ,,i got to see da tooth of a devil
huge curved roots with highly spaced out root tips

Notice the sharp curves,highly flared roots.Bony ankylosis also present.Distance between palatal root tip and mesiobuccal roottip is as much as 28mm

Extraction socket .Picture taken immediately after extraction

BYE----BYE Mr Devil Tooth

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