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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Post and Core followed by 7 -unit PFM bridge.Case report by Dr.Azhar Chisti

MR Sushil Maheshwari, A propretier by profession visited my clinic for placing artificial teeth.
After doing his intraoral examination -Mr Sushil had missing 26 tooth which was extracted 3years back.He had rootpieces 24 and 25.IOPA revealed that both 24 and 25 were RC treated.
Proximal caries were present in 21 and 22

Treatment plan adjudged for him was
1) Composite resin restoration in 21 and 22
2) Post and core in 24 and 25
3) PFM bridge over 21,22,23,24,26

Pre treatment picture showing grossly destructed RC treated 24 and 25.Missing 26 which was extracted 3yrs back
metal post placed in Rootcanal treated teeth 24 and 25
Core buildup followed by crown preparation done in Rootcanal treated 24 and 25 using light cure composite resin
Final PFM bridge on teeth 21,22,23,24,25 and 27

Occlusal view after final restoration


sahil said...

Good job sir

Dr Suchitra said...

core build-up is really very good doctor
i really appreciate your dental skills

Ramesh lalwani said...

looks good doctor.How much does all this cost???